Saturday, February 8, 2025
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Found in Translation

Found in Translation – episode 9

Et År January 22nd was our one-year anniversary (or Daniversary) of moving to Denmark. One whole year. Numerous boxes have been packed, unpacked, packed again,...

Life on Kontanthjælp in Denmark: What You Need to Know

As Denmark has started implementing new regulations for kontanthjælp (cash welfare assistance) in 2025, discussions about this essential pillar of the Danish welfare system...

Found In Translation – Issue nr 8

Godt Nytår! It’s a whole new year! It’s Monday morning, January 6th, and the grind of the daily routine has started again. The alarm has...

Found in Translation – Issue Nr 7

Jeg lærer dansk (I’m learning Danish) I say this phrase a lot and always like an apology. Not that I’m actually sorry I’m learning Danish....

Found in Translation – Issue Nr 6

Kvinde, Ken din plads (Women, know your place)  I am staring at a metre-high model of a clitoris. It’s painted bright red and pink and...

Found In Translation – Issue nr.4

Vinteren kommer Winter is coming. I always hear this like a sinister-sounding voice hissing in my ear, which will make total sense to you if...

Found In Translation – Issue nr.3

Vi Hygger Os (We are having a cosy time) Ask a non-Dane what they associate most with Denmark and “hygge” is likely to come up....

Found in Translation – Issue nr.2

The Kids Are Alright, or Børnene har det godt This morning is School Photo Day for my kids and they’re up early taking far more...

Found in Translation – Issue nr.1

Hej, hvordan går det? Or, some introductions! The day I spoke to LWID’s Executive Editor, Narcis, about writing this column, I’d just had what I...

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