Bringing joy: A grey and rainy January day in Copenhagen
The January blues are well documented, and there are countless articles with coping strategies readily...
Godt nytår
Godt nytår og velkommen til 2025!
As a Scot, I have always thought that I am well indoctrinated into New Years Eve /
Nytårsaften celebrations....
Café Sorgenfri
When you are looking for somewhere special to go to eat to experience traditional Danish
food and dishes, there are thousands of options to...
Skovshoved Gas Station and Olivers Garage
Have you visited Skovshoved gas station yet? Designed by Arne Jacobsen and built in 1937, this iconic landmark sits...
The concept of hygge is integral to Danish life. The therapeutic benefits of hyggeligt activities include reducing feelings of anxiety, and loneliness (something often...