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HomeWeekly UpdateLocal NewsSummer special event

Summer special event


Fellow internationals, 

This is not an usual newsletter from us (remember we are back on the normal program from 17th July). It’s a special edition about a large event, maybe the largest event in the history of Denmark, where English will be the main language. I am talking about an event with 20,000 people every day. 

As you can imagine, we wouldn’t stay away from such an important development for the international community in Denmark. The first edition of an event that wants to repeat at least every two years. The first edition of an event, where you will be able to meet top level decision makers and artists from around Europe. 

Are you curious? Check out the live talk between our executive editor, Narcis George Matache and the chairman of the festival, Stine Bosse (also named the 22nd most powerful woman in the world) here. If you have questions, leave a comment. You will certainly receive an answer, even if the live show was last weekend

When is the event? 25 to 28 August 2022.

Where is the event? In the city of roses, Mariager (Mariagerfjord Kommune, North Denmark). A small market town with cobblestone streets, crooked timber framed houses and access to the most beautiful fjord in Denmark.

How do you get to Mariager? 
Car: There will be free parking available at the festival. 
Train: You can take the train to Hobro or Randers. There you will find shuttles that will take you directly to the festival. 
Bus: Special busses will be organized from Aarhus, Aalborg, Viborg, Randers and Hobro to take you straight to the festival. 

Why should you participate? Here are 10 reasons:

  1. It’s free to participate! There is no ticket involved! 
  2. It’s your chance to participate in the Danish/Nordic tradition of “folkemøde” where you can actually understand what they are talking about! 
  3. You support the organizers for the bravery of organizing such a large-event in English! One large event can lead to others following example! 
  4. You finally make that trip up North! Take a longer weekend and discover the hidden gems of North Denmark! 
  5. You can listen to and participate in discussions about business, climate, culture, democracy, foreign policy, health and technology. You will definitely find an event that is to your taste. There will be 8 stages with events happening all-day at the same time. 
  6. You can have fun with good music from around Europe! There will be several concerts every evening! 
  7. You can meet people that you see only on TV! People that decide our daily lives! It’s your chance to get a beer with them 🙂 
  8. If you want to stay for more than one day, you can choose to either get accomodation or to bring a tent and enjoy the true festival experience. 
  9. You can finally reconnect with your friends that live far away. What better excuse for a meeting, than a festival? 
  10. You can invite your friends from abroad to visit you. It’s their chance to experience Denmark, all in one place.

I want to be more than just a participant, what else is possible? 
You can volunteer and become part of this festival’s success. There will be more than 400 volunteers at the festival. An amazing opportunity to make new friends. You can volunteer before, during and after the festival for as much time as you wish to give. Sign up by sending a mail here – (just state you want to volunteer).
You can show off your expertise and sign up to be a speaker. There are seven themes covered by the festival. There must be one, in which you excel. Take this opportunity to be on a stage where thousands of people will be able to listen to your words. 
You can organize an event at the festival, as long as it is within the seven themes. Write to the organizers on this email address: 
Your organization / company can be a partner and/or a sponsor of the festival. You can directly contact the CEO of the festival, Jan Bertelsen at or 31 41 24 20. He speaks English. 
You feel confident enough to be a speaker, then maybe becoming part of one of the seven advisory boards (built around each theme) can also be something for you. Read more here
Would you like to join the festival as a food stand? The festival is particularly interested in showcasing local foods from all countries so please get in touch with them at 
If you live in Mariager or close proximity, you could make some extra money this summer. Read more here

Narcis George Matache
Narcis George Matache
Executive Editor and Founder of "Last Week in Denmark".

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