Weekly political overview
Driving while high with laughing gas will soon become illegal if the proposal from the Ministry of Transport is passed. Possession of laughing...
Weekly political overview
Konservative (Conservatives) have always been the party of monarchists. As staunch supporters of the Royal Family, their love has always been reciprocated...
Weekly political overview
The local politicians in Copenhagen decided to name a town square in Nørrebro, “Palæstina Plads”. Enhedslisten (Red-Green), SF (Socialists), Radikale Venstre (Social Liberals), and...
Weekly political overview
Germany will introduce border controls with all its neighboring countries from September 16th for six months.
Only half of 13 to 17-year-olds have a job...
Starting July 1st 2024, Denmark has implemented new rules for residence permits across several categories. Two significant changes affect the Family Reunification process:
Weekly political overview
The next European Union Commissioner from Denmark is Dan Jørgensen. An EU Commissioner is like a minister. If approved by the EU Commission President,...
Unhealthy foods (sweets, snacks, and soft drinks) should be harder to find in a supermarket, according to several health organizations in Denmark. They are lobbying...