Only one year has passed since we had the new red-blue center government. Research made by professor Kasper Møller Hansen (renowned election expert) shows the...
Pernille Vermund’s creation is facing difficult times. After she decided to retire from politics at the beginning of the year, a political storm hit Nye...
The prosecution (Anklagemyndigheden) decided to drop the case against former Minister of Defense Claus Hjort Frederiksen and former head of the Defense Intelligence Service (FE) Lars...
Only 37.4% of the people in Denmark would vote for one of the government parties (Socialdemokratiet, Venstre, or Moderaterne). 2.1% lower than in August...
Marie Bjerre (37 years old, Minister of Equality and Digitalization); Morten Dahlin (34 years old, political speaker for Venstre); Linea Søgaard-Lidell (36 years old,...
A new leader will be elected at the party congress on 18-19 November. However, everyone is already pointing towards the only candidate, Troels Lund Poulsen. Former...
Jakob’s comeback has been short; it has been fewer than three months since his return from the eight-month-long sick leave. After struggling to recover...
Radikale Venstre (Social Liberals) wants to discourage overconsumption and has proposed a tax deduction for repair of used electronics. At the same time, they want a...