joi, noiembrie 7, 2024

Epidemie de gonoree


Cu 40% mai multe persoane infectate cu gonoree (o boală cu transmitere sexuală) în 2022 față de 2021. Cel mai mare număr de persoane infectate din ultimii 25 de ani. De ce? Din ce în ce mai puțini oameni folosesc prezervative deoarece teama de boli sexuale a scăzut.

Anda Macovei
Anda Macovei
Anda is originally from Romania and she lived in Denmark for over 10 years. She found out quite early on in her journey in Denmark that it is not always easy to find information about different topics that effects the life of an international. Therefore, she made it her goal to gather information and share it with the international community and make it easier for others to navigate life in Denmark.

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