Thursday, October 24, 2024

The Danish opt-outs


To stay in the European Union, Denmark negotiated four opt-outs from the EU treaty in 1992 – defense; justice; euro, and EU citizenship. Since then, many prime ministers have attempted to remove the opt-outs, in order to bring Denmark closer to the European Union. Mette Frederiksen, is the first prime minister in 30 years, that manages to remove an opt-out (defense) by winning a referendum. N.B! An opt-out means that Denmark doesn’t participate in EU cooperation in that field. 

  • In 2015, a referendum to remove the justice opt-out failed, as the “No” side won. 
  • In 2000, a referendum to remove the euro opt-out failed, as the “No” side won 
  • Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, said that there will not be another referendum on the other opt-outs during her mandate. 
Narcis George Matache
Narcis George Matache
Executive Editor and Founder of "Last Week in Denmark".

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