If you know that next year you will earn more or less, now you can make changes to the tax statement so that you don’t pay too much or too little tax next year. Compared to other years, you can also see your home ownership tax (boligskat) in the tax advance statement. Why? Instead of paying twice a year, now the home ownership tax will be automatically paid monthly via your tax deductions. Basically, your fradrag will lower if you own a property.
- Remember to include your driving deduction in the tax advance statement. You can get a driving deduction for your transport if you have more than 12 km to work (a total of more than 24 km to and from work). (field 417 in the tax advance statement)
- Also, if you have loans and you experienced increased interest rates, you can report it on fields 481 and 483. This way you can increase your monthly fradrag.