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Debunk fertility and pregnancy myths to help tackle the rising age of first-time mothers


Debunk fertility and pregnancy myths to help tackle the rising age of first-time mothers, Rigshospitalet’s fertility department chief Søren Ziebe says. In a TV2 report, he said people often thought fertility problems only occurred after the age of 35 and that “all problems” could be solved with fertility treatments. “As a society, we must also have discussions about how our culture and norms shape the image (of being a mother). I have yet to meet a woman who does not think it is a problem to get pregnant too early in her career.” He also said it was important to provide constant and accurate information, especially regarding human biology. “We must dare to talk about the consequences of human biology, where age and especially the woman’s age – matter. We don’t want to scare anyone into anything, but people can’t navigate this if they don’t know,” Søren said.

  • Last year, the average age for a first-time Danish mom was 29.9 years old (in the capital region). Dragør municipality recorded the highest average age at 31.8 years old, while Lolland municipality recorded the lowest at 27 years old.
  • On average, Danish women have 1.55 children.
  • 1 out of 8 women does not have a child, while it is 1 out of 5 for men.

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