At first, it was the companies that started to look for talent abroad. Then the state followed, looking for doctors and nurses. Now, it’s the Danish gangs’ turn to recruit from abroad – Sweden, more specifically. The effect of a very low unemployment rate.
The seven-point scale for giving grades in school is very unpopular with both teachers and students. Four years ago, the government established a commission to figure out how to modernize the grading system. The commission has long ago made its proposal, yet there has been no political action. Why? It is not a priority for the current government.
The Canadian environmental activist and co-founder of Greenpeace, Paul Watson, was arrested in Greenland. Why? A Japanese arrest warrant via Interpol (a red notice) for damages done to fishing vessels in 2010. Since the arrest, there has been strong international pressure to release him and not extradite him to Japan, including from French President Macron.