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HomeNewsEuropean UnionThe Road to the European Parliament elections 2024

The Road to the European Parliament elections 2024


The fight for the 15 mandates has started. There are only six months to go until the EP elections on 9th June 2024.

  • Socialdemokratiet (social-democrats) is looking at obtaining 3-4 mandates. MEP Christel Schaldemose is the leading candidate. They have an electoral alliance with SF and Alternativet. 
  • Venstre (liberals) got four mandates in 2019. This time they are looking at maximum one. MEP Morten Løkkegaard is the leading candidate. Most likely there will be an electoral alliance with Radikale Venstre and Moderaterne. 
  • Konservative (conservatives) is fighting for keeping the one mandate they got last time. They entered into an electoral alliance with Liberal Alliance. MP Niels Flemming Hansen is the leading candidate. 
  • SF (socialists) might be the surprise of this elections round. They are looking at 2-3 mandates. MEP Kira Marie Peter-Hansen is the leading candidate. 
  • DF (nationalist conservatives) is on the way out of the European Parliament. After having four mandates at the 2014 elections and then one in 2019, this time they risk having none. MEP Anders Vistisen is the leading candidate. 
  • DD (nationalist populists) might enter the European Parliament for the first time. Local Aalborg councilman Kristoffer Storm is the leading candidate. 
  • Liberal Alliance (libertarians) could also be the surprise of this elections round. They are looking at 2-3 mandates. MP Henrik Dahl is the leading candidate. 
  • Moderaterne (social-liberals) is looking at one mandate. Popular businesswoman Stine Bosse is the leading candidate. 
  • Radikale Venstre (social-liberals) are also on the way out of the European Parliament. Sigrid Friis Frederiksen is the leading candidate. This could be a disaster for the most pro-EU party in Denmark. 
  • Enhedslisten (red-green alliance) is on the way in the European Parliament. Local Aalborg councilman Per Clausen is the leading candidate. They might get the mandate usually obtained by the People’s Movement Against the EU, which is not running this time. 
  • Alternativet (greens) will fight hard to get one mandate. Political advisor Jan Kristoffersen is the leading candidate. 
  • Nye Borgerlige (nationalist libertarians) is unlikely to get their first ever mandate in the European Parliament. Martin Henriksen is the leading candidate. 
Narcis George Matache
Narcis George Matache
Executive Editor and Founder of "Last Week in Denmark".

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