If you said no, don’t worry about it; you are not alone. Nine out of 11 lead candidates are generally unknown to the vast majority of Denmark. Why? The media. It doesn’t matter how important their work in Brussels is or that the Danish Parliament mainly implements EU legislation. They are in the spotlight only when they work in Copenhagen.
- The most well-known lead candidates are Morten Løkkegaard (Venstre – Liberals; 70%); Stine Bosse (Moderaterne – Social Liberals; 63%); Henrik Dahl (Liberal Alliance – Libertarians; 49%); Christel Schaldemose (Socialdemokratiet – Social Democrats; 47%) and Anders Vistisen (DF – Nationalist Conservatives; 41%).
- The least well-known lead candidates are Sigrid Friis (Radikale Venstre – Social Liberals; 23%); Kristoffer Storm (DD – Nationalist Populist; 23%); Jan Kristoffersen (Alternativet – Greens; 24%); Kira Marie Peter-Hansen (SF – Socialists; 24%); Niels Flemming Hansen (Konservative – Conservatives; 26%) and Per Clausen (Enhedslisten – Red/Green Alliance; 38%).
- You can use this quiz to test your knowledge about the candidates. Remember, EU citizens living in Denmark have the option to vote for Danish candidates.