Tuesday, October 22, 2024
HomeNewsDanish Economy“Forskudsopgørelsen”



“Forskudsopgørelsen” aka the advanced tax statement for 2022 is open. What should you pay attention to: “Kørselsfradrag” aka “driving deduction” (If you have more than 24 kilometres to and from work, you get a transport deduction – 26% of the cost); “A- og b-indkomst” aka “A and B income” (while A-income is automatic, B-income is your responsibility to report); “Håndværker- og servicefradrag” aka “Handworker and service deduction” (if you have permanent cleaning service hired or you renovated your house you can obtain back up to 20.000 dkk).

Narcis George Matache
Narcis George Matachehttp://www.narcis.dk
Executive Editor and Founder of "Last Week in Denmark".

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