- The government: Socialdemokratiet (Social Democrats) 21.1%; Venstre (Liberals) 9% and Moderaterne (Social Liberals) 6.6% (the government continues to decline in the opinion polls) .
*The Moderates lost almost a third of their voters since the elections. Scandal after scandal involving their newly elected members of the Parliament have eroded trust in the party.
- The K-LA-R opposition alliance: Konservative (Conservatives) 6%; Liberal Alliance (Libertarians) 12.6% and Radikale Venstre (Social Liberals) 4.2%
- The “red” opposition: SF (Socialists) 15.3%; Enhedslisten (Red-Green Alliance) 6.4%; Alternativet (Greens) 3.1%.
- The far-right parties: DD (Populists) 8.6%; DF (National Socialists) 4.1%; Nye Borgerlige (National Libertarians) 2.4%.