Wednesday, October 23, 2024
HomeDaily Life in DenmarkHealthcareMen’s mental health matters, the Danish Health Authority says

Men’s mental health matters, the Danish Health Authority says


In conjunction with World Mental Health Day which falls on Oct 10, the authorities have rolled out a new mental health campaign, En Af Os (One of Us), targeted at men. Unit head Niels Sandø said, “It is important to take care of mental problems or mental illnesses and not deal with it alone. We know that more women than men, for example, have anxiety and depression, but at the same time there are more men who have come into contact with psychiatric emergency rooms. This suggests that a man’s mental problems are not detected in time, before they develop into serious mental disorders, while at the same time the risk of exclusion is high.” Among other things, the campaign advocates on seeking help, developing better listening skills and creating a safe space for both men and their loved ones. If you wish to read more, visit

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