In the winter of 2020, prime-minister Mette Frederiksen ordered the extermination of minks in Denmark. In 2021, on suspicions that the order was without a legal basis, the Danish Parliament made an investigation commission into the matter dubbed “Mink Commission”. While our publication was on vacation, the commission published the results of the investigation – 1649 pages.
- The main conclusion is that Mette Frederiksen lacked the authority to order the extermination of minks in Denmark. However, she was informed four days after she gave the order that it was without a legal basis.
- It is recommended that the prime minister chief of staff, Barbara Bertelsen, faces a disciplinary case for rushing the decision-making process without including the Ministry of Environment and Food.
- Even though the Ministry of Environment and Food was sidelined by the office of the Prime Minister, they still had the chance to warn the prime minister that the order was without legal basis, which they didn’t.