- Around 60% of EU citizens believe their country will be able to overcome the social and economic damage created by the pandemic by using the EU’s recovery budget.
- Distrust in the local government: on average, only 44% said they trust their government will do the right thing with the EU money. The lowest scores were in Slovenia with 23%, Slovakia – 25% and Hungary – 28% and the highest were recorded in Denmark with 70% and Luxembourg – 74%.
- Conditions for EU money: 81% of respondents agreed that the EU should provide funds only under the condition that the member states will abide by the law in regards to the democratic principles (for example freedom of the press). Although the percentage is high, Poland sits last with 72%.
- The European Parliament’s priorities: about 43% of the citizens surveyed said they want the top priority to lie on fighting climate change, 32% responded that fighting poverty is the most important and 27% said the parliament’s top priority should be asylum and immigration policy.