The monthly average is 670, but recently, interest in becoming a stem cell donor has exploded. 87,000 people are currently registered as stem cell donors in Denmark. 30 million are registered worldwide.
- The reason for the high interest has been the call made on social media by the mayor of Høje-Taastrup, who suffers from leukemia. His life was saved thanks to a match to a stem cell donor from Chile. He encouraged the people in Denmark to sign up as donors.
- You can register to become a stem cell donor on (aged between 18 and 55 years old and healthy). Once you register, you get three cotton swabs which you use to scrape inside your mouth (just like during the pandemic). That will determine your tissue type. If someone ever needs stem cells that are matching yours, you will receive a call and then you can still decide if you want to go forward with the donation.