Since the autumn elections, the three government parties have lost a combined 11.3% in support and would no longer have a majority in the Parliament if there were elections tomorrow.
- Government (Socialdemokraterne / Social Democrats 21.9%; Venstre / Liberals 9.4%; Moderaterne / Moderates 7.5%)
- Two far-right parties have seen increased support (Danmarks Demokraterne +1.8% to 9.9%; DF +1.9% to 4.5%) and one has lost support (Nye Borgerlige -1.4% to 2.3%)*
- *far-right parties are parties that are unfriendly towards internationals
- In the “red opposition”, SF / Socialists gained most of the voters that left Socialdemokraterne (+4.5% to 12.8%) while in the “blue opposition”, Liberal Alliance gained most of the voters that left Venstre (+2.4% to 10.3%)