Most of the politicians in Denmark have been on vacation this week, and for the ones that remained, only two subjects mattered: climate change due to the extreme weather conditions plus the fires in Rhodos, and the relationship with the Islamic world.
- It is clear that once the Danish Parliament reconvenes, there will be an even bigger focus on the green transition. Several political parties want more action and faster results.
- The burning of the Koran in Denmark and Sweden triggered a wave of anger in the Islamic countries towards the Nordic countries. The last time the relationship got so bad was in 2005-2006, when drawings of the prophet got published in Danish media. What to expect? Boycott of goods from Denmark.
- Last time, Danish diplomacy managed to rebuild the relationship with the Islamic world. The Danish foreign minister has already called the “burnings of the Koran” a “shameful act”, in an effort to start rebuilding. In my opinion, the only country that stands to gain from this conflict is Russia, so it should make you think about the real motives of the “agitators”.