They decided to use their 5 minutes of speaking time by reading headlines from articles published in the past 40 years, that refer to internationals doing all sorts of criminal activity in Denmark. The speech ended with a proposal to issue the people of Denmark “an unreserved apology for 40 years of failed immigration policy”. Luckily, the proposal was not supported by the rest of Parliament.
- Such manipulation tactics used by DF, seem copied from a KGB manual. It was overlooked that the media for the past 40 years has focused mainly on crimes committed by internationals, making it seem like they were responsible for the majority of them. A quick look at the statistics will show that it is just as likely for a Dane to engage in criminal activities. There are bad apples among Danes and internationals, and we need to accept that. You cannot blame all the internationals for the actions of a few, just as we don’t blame all the Danes for the actions of a few.