Saturday, February 15, 2025

Focus – Week 22


Proposal to make it cheaper to transfer your company to your children: The government wants to lower the estate and gift tax (bo- og gaveafgiften) on family-owned businesses from 15% to 10%, making it cheaper to pass them on to children.  As the value of the tax is based on the value of the company, the government also wants to introduce a fixed model of determining a company’s worth. This will make it simpler to calculate what you need to pay to pass on the company. 

  • The tax was previously reduced from 15% to 5% during the Lars Løkke Rasmussen government (2017), only to be raised back to 15% by the Social Democrat government in 2019

  • As part of the same proposal, the government wants to increase the tax deduction for research and development from 108% to 120% (until 2028) and simplify the procedures of inheriting a real estate business (from 2025). You will no longer be able to deduct the entire cost of computer software or costs related to know-how and patent rights in the same year (from 2025). 

  • At the same time, the government will reduce the pool for business support by 900 million DKK to finance the tax cuts. 

Narcis George Matache
Narcis George Matache
Executive Editor and Founder of "Last Week in Denmark".

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