The political parties are split on the question of allowing them to stay after the war ends.
- Enhedslisten, Radikale Venstre and Alternativet say that those who choose to stay in Denmark should be allowed to do so.
- DF, Nye Borgerlige and Danmarks Demokraterne say that everyone must go home after the war is over to rebuild Ukraine.
- Konservative consider that it is irrelevant to discuss this right now. What is most important is to give them peace as we don’t know when and how the war will end.
- The government also considers that most of the refugees need to return home to help rebuild Ukraine, but it is too early to make proper considerations on it.
- The special residence permits given to Ukrainian refugees will expire on the 17th of March 2024. In January 2024, the Ministry of Immigration and Integration will decide if they will be extended for one more year.
- 89% of the population in Denmark supports the presence of Ukrainian refugees in Denmark.