Denmark’s first drag school, established by the educator Michael Bjerring a year ago, showcased their first performance during Copenhagen Pride, with a team of 12 children and adults. The Drag School is a welcoming community for individuals aged 12 to 30 seeking to explore the world of drag, and the school emphasizes inclusivity, welcoming participants regardless of gender, background, or sexuality.
- The combination of children and drag has encountered opposition in some places. In the US, certain states have introduced bills to restrict or ban public drag shows, citing child protection. Sweden’s right-wing party also criticized drag queens, and a similar debate arose in Denmark when a library event encouraged children to explore drag.
- Historian Peter Edelberg, who also researches LGBT history, notes that opposition to drag shows often stems from baseless fears about children becoming transgender. He points out that historical performances involving heterosexual attraction did not face such controversies.