Saturday, February 15, 2025
HomeNewsDanish PoliticsPolitical Overview - Week 10

Political Overview – Week 10


The leader of SF (Socialists), Pia Olsen Dyhr, would like a center-left government after the 2026 parliamentary elections, which includes Moderaterne (Social-Liberals), Radikale Venstre (Social-Liberals) and Socialdemokratiet (Social Democrats). However, she is concerned about Radikale Venstre and their newfound friendship with Konservative and Liberal Alliance. 

The leader of Liberal Alliance (Libertarians), Alex Vanopslagh, is touring Denmark together with other leaders from the former blue block parties in an unofficial prime minister campaign called “Alex and Responsibility.” One of his promises is a plan to close 5-7 ministries, including the Taxation and Gender Equality ministries. 

A new abortion legislation is on the way, and among the proposals, the Ministry of Health wants to abolish regional abortion councils (regionale abortsamråd) in favor of a national council. The abortion limit is 12 weeks. If you want an abortion after that limit, you need approval from a regional abortion council, and it seems there are big differences between regions. 

Airlines that primarily fly domestic flights will be exempt from paying VAT. So far, only airlines that had more than 55% of their traffic abroad could be VAT exempt. However, none of the 27 airlines that fly between Danish cities will benefit from the new rule, as they are already exempt thanks to the other rule. Then why? To encourage smaller companies to enter the market. 

Narcis George Matache
Narcis George Matache
Executive Editor and Founder of "Last Week in Denmark".

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